Photography 4

I went unsuall approch on advertisement photography on this assignment. I went for advertisement for breeders of horses and that type. I know that non-horse people may see this as not an advertisement. But it is in a way for horse owners with a mare that they want to breed to be able to find a stallion that fits for them. And to be able for breeder and stallion owner this is a way for them to show of what they have and what this stallion can offer.

I know that this kind of advertisement is more common outside of Norway and I wanted to share some light on this type. And combining my horse photography with my graphic designs skills. And prices on breeding is never on these, since that depends on different things, so it’s easier to takee contact with stallion owner.

This is the final result. Didn’t change much. The top text I changed the colour to gold and the font to a more classic style to fikk the main header(horses name).

The bottom text just got a font change to the same as top.

The main front horse picture had a glow that needed to go.


Motion Design